Atopic App team includes specialists from different fields, united to solve the problem of atopic dermatitis.

Years of research, a thorough analysis of the best world experience, continuous interaction with people personally familiar with AD, helped to better understand and feel the scale of the problem and all the difficulties that adults and young patients, their families and attending physicians face daily. Understand and suggest possible solutions.
...analysis of the best world experience and continuous interaction with people who are personally familiar with AD helped to understand the problem more deeply and suggest possible solutions...
After creating the free online Atopic School, we took the next important step – launching the mobile application Atopic App for self-monitoring and improving well-being in AD.

We are bringing together dermatologists, allergologists, immunologists, developers, designers, computer vision specialists, adults with AD, parents of children with AD and all those who do not stop looking for solutions to this important and difficult problem.

Join us in our fascinating journey!
Please note that Atopic App is not a medical application, and in no way replaces professional advice or treatment.
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