The visual analysis of Atopic App is based on neural networks.

With each new photo you add, you help the artificial intelligence model determine the skin's condition more accurately. And the more accurate the results of the model are, the easier it is for thousands of people with AD to control and improve their well-being.

To train the neural network, we used photos of more than 10,000 skin areas with signs of AD, previously analyzed and marked by dermatologists.
Each new photo you add helps the model determine the skin condition more accurately, and helps patients with eczema control and improve well-being
Visual comparison of photos –
an opportunity to see even small changes
*The severity assessment is based on the EASI methodology (Eczema Area and Severity Index).

The Atopic App model differs from the classic EASI in that artificial intelligence analyzes only the area of skin visible in the photo. Thus, the severity is calculated for the specific photographed area.
The results of automatic recognition are for informational purposes only, in no way replaces medical advice or treatment
% of the skin in the photo
with visible signs of AD
Identification of the affected skin areas
Assessment of the severity
of AD based on the EASI*
Click to enable AI results
*The severity assessment is based on the EASI methodology (Eczema Area and Severity Index).

The Atopic App model differs from the classic EASI in that artificial intelligence analyzes only the area of skin visible in the photo. Thus, the severity is calculated for the specific photographed area.
The results of automatic recognition are for informational purposes only, in no way replaces medical advice or treatment
Identification of the affected skin areas
Assessment of the severity of AD based on the EASI*
Visual comparison of photos – an opportunity to see even small changes
% of the skin in the photo with visible signs of AD
The Atopic App Artificial Intelligence model is based on modern image processing and machine learning technologies. The model identifies the skin and affected areas in the photo, evaluates the severity of 4 signs of AD according to the EASI scale.
For self-control during treatment
  • Tracking changes in severity over time to stay motivated during treatment
  • Detection of even small changes for an objective assessment of dynamics
  • Documenting the condition of the skin to provide to the doctor
For face-to-face visits to the doctor and remote monitoring
  • Automated reports for making medical decisions at a face-to-face appointment
  • Objective assessment of the condition for timely adjustment of the action plan
For clinical trials
  • Detailed documentation of the skin condition
  • Improving the precision and comparability of clinical trial results
For self-control during treatment
  • Tracking changes in severity over time to stay motivated during treatment
  • Detection of even small changes for an objective assessment of dynamics
  • Documenting the condition of the skin to provide to the doctor
For face-to-face visits to the doctor and remote monitoring
  • Automated reports for making medical decisions at a face-to-face appointment
  • Objective assessment of the condition for timely adjustment of the action plan
For clinical trials
  • Detailed documentation of the skin condition
  • Improving the reproducibility and comparability of clinical trial results
Every time you add a photo and enter data in the Atopic App, you contribute to the study of atopic dermatitis, help evaluate the effectiveness of various treatment approaches, expand knowledge about the disease and open up new opportunities to solve the problem of atopic dermatitis.
By adding photos and entering data in the Atopic App, you help to find new opportunities to solve the problem of AD
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Please note that Atopic App is not a medical application, and in no way replaces professional advice or treatment.
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